Tuesday, February 3, 2015

NO surveys means NO surveys!

Take a deep breath! Sit back, think it over, and take a deep breath.


I decide it's time to get the silk gloves off and just get down to business. No more one-liners. Let's spell this out clearly and leaving no margin for doubt. I though I was being clear. No means no. No surveys, no pipelines. I did spell it out, "look for alternative routes." Apparently the message did not get across --- improbable. Or Mr. Scanlan just decided to ignore it, and resort to bulling and threats ---- yes, that's what it feels like.  So, I write Mr. Scanlan a longer letter.

"Dear Jack Scanlan,

Let me repeat what I said on my previous email: at this point, no permission is granted to anyone to access my property for any reason until I am comfortable with granting any such permission.

I am still waiting for the official letter you said would be sent to me and so far was not. I have seen no such letter.

You say you represent a certain company. I have seen no document showing proof that you represent any company (you are using a personal hotmail, thus private, email address, not a company email address that can be verified.)
I have seen no credentials for yourself or said company or subsidiary company you say you work for.
I have seen no project explanation, what may or may not be included/involved/time frame/etc. You merely referred to a gas pipeline running for 600 miles connecting WV and NC --- and that was information you provided AFTER I asked for some details[;] details, let me emphasize, I consider insufficient, as this email explains in greater detail.
I have not been sent, by you or anyone else, any explanation as to what this is, represents, implications, etc.
In the past, I have been contacted by other people to access my property for various reasons, for surveys, studies, etc. There has always been a modus operandi being followed, that covers several aspects you have not covered, and I will not bother you with a list, as I am sure you must be aware of them.
Your communication so far has been informal and terse, at best, and you will have to allow me to treat it that way and no more.
Please understand: The internet is a very dangerous place these days and anyone can contact anyone claiming anything they want at all.

I am an accessible person, but I am also very cautious. Working for the government (...) for almost three decades has taught me protocol, and security, and (...) how things are supposed to be handled.
Should I go on? Until I have a clear picture regarding this matter, and until I get enough details, references, confirmation, an explanation as to what this may or may not imply and bring in the future, including any and all impact this may have on the land, etc., I will not grant anyone permission to access the property.

If, as you say, this is a genuine project, and 600 miles of pipeline are to be eventually installed from WV to NC, I am sure there is documentation and a preliminary project proposal, thus explanation that can be disclosed to third parties, namely land owners, so they can make informed decisions, etc., etc., etc.
I look forward to receiving enough evidence that this is such an endeavor, and also, to be contacted, by you or any one else, through an official email address, that can link you or anyone else to the company or companies you say you represent (is your name, position and bio on any website? Can I access confirmation of anything at all?)
What other land owners have you contacted / lands / properties so far? Have any other properties been surveyed in relation to this? Can you provide a list of names? Their property locations? Can you provide a map / schematics that show where the hypothetical pipeline will be installed? And how will the pipeline be installed, and when, and how long will the work take? And what are the intentions of the company or companies involved towards land owners?
As said, given my professional past work history and involvement with government entities I am very much aware of protocol and pay special attention to security and safety issues, and, as said, [I am] extremely careful about contacts made by any and all people whatever the means they use to contact me or their claims may be.
In closing, let me say that I do not appreciate the way you are trying to pressure me in regards to the time frame you advance for the survey. If this is, as said, a genuine project, it is, to credit you, merely a "feasibility study" at this point, and there are many surveys to be made; nothing is so urgent that must happen and take place with such short notice!

You may want to move ahead, but telling me that you would like to "survey across [my] property within the next 2 weeks," may fit your timetable, but not mine, and feels, allow me to be blunt, "pushy."

If (and let me emphasize, I write "if") this goes ahead and I decide to grant permission for such survey to take place, it will be at a time that is convenient to me, and I may also want to set dates when I can be present, or appoint someone to be present, to accompany anyone who may be granted access to execute said survey.
I am advising in regards to this matter as per your request, and has per the contents of this email.

For the time being, no permission is granted because I have not received enough information to make a decision on this matter.

I also mention as a post scriptum that after doing an extensive internet search, I find only four references to Mr. Scanlan, three on a genealogy website and one on a private forum. Nothing else. No links to Doyle Land, Dominion, or anything else.

At this point, I am still to receive any official letters regarding this matter.

The next day I receive another one-liner from Mr. Scanlan, "I sent the letter with the wv statute please let me know if you got it."

Someone is not listening or has very poor reading and comprehension skills!

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